In the spring of 2017, our family of six followed God's lead to Nhowe Mission and the Brian Lemons Memorial Hospital, located in Zimbabwe, Africa. During the six months that we were there, we put our whole hearts into serving in the church, hospital, school, and orphanage, while immersing ourselves in the amazing Zimbabwean culture.

We are prayerful and passionate about our work continuing at Nhowe Mission and next time we look forward to taking some of you along, too! Stay tuned for more information!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

We've made it to the right continent! We just have one more flight to get to Zimbawe. Who knows when we'll have internet again, so I'm plunking out a quick up date on my phone.

Our travel has been seamless and wonderful! We had a day long layover in London and it was fun to take a break from the aiport and airplane. The kids loved exploring another country! We're super excited to explore several countries in Africa soon!

1 comment:

  1. GOD BLESS you Scharrer family.
    Carol and I pray daily for you mission. We will be following through your BLOG.
    We are relieved that you arrived safely and know for the present you are overwhelmed, however we will all be awaiting your next contact.
    GOD BLESS in all thins
    Chuck and Carol Jensen
