I won't name any names or anything, but we're all immunized and two of us took it like champs. :) Tickets have been purchased and it is official! In one week from today we will be landing in Zimbabwe, Africa. I have been to many different contries in my life, but never with kids. It adds a whole different stress! I am excited, though, to introcuce Maida and Skogen to another culture and another place. It is going to be eye-opening and life-changing. I can not wait for all the adventures that await! I'm very hesistant, though, to leave Klaasen and Toresn behind. I have hired nannies to help, but my parents will also be pitching in, too. It's so hard to have your heart in two places at once and especially difficult when communication between the two places is sporatic and unpredicible. I have done everything I can on my end to make sure things run smoothly while I'm gone and God is going to have to take care of the rest.
Erik, the kids, and I will spend 15 days in Zimbabwe at Nhowe Mission, taking in all we can as we plan for our longer stay. I'm hoping to serve and help as much as we can and be an encouragment to everyone there. I have never been there, so I have no idea what to expect. I think Erik has it a little easier because being a doctor (and being there previously), he's able to just jump in and serve with his skills and comfort level. Being just a mom, though, and especially one who will have two kids tagging along, I just don't know what to expect! It will be a learning experience and it is my prayer that God will be our guide and lead us to what is needed or where we could be of help there.