In the spring of 2017, our family of six followed God's lead to Nhowe Mission and the Brian Lemons Memorial Hospital, located in Zimbabwe, Africa. During the six months that we were there, we put our whole hearts into serving in the church, hospital, school, and orphanage, while immersing ourselves in the amazing Zimbabwean culture.

We are prayerful and passionate about our work continuing at Nhowe Mission and next time we look forward to taking some of you along, too! Stay tuned for more information!

The Team

Erik Scharrer
Team Doctor

Kara Scharrer
Team Momma
Hi I'm Kara, wife to Erik and mom to the four little Scharrer munchkins.  Being a missionary in another country was never in my life plans, but being a mom to lots and lots of babies was!  It wasn't until 2013 when I had the privilege to accompany Erik to the Congo on a medical mission trip that God made it obvious to me that my plan and His plan weren't the same, however they both could be done together.  I am super excited about going back to Africa.  Two of my main passions while serving there are working with expecting mamas and sharing some of my momma love to as many orphans as I can.

Maida Scharrer
Team Princess
Hi, I'm Maida and I want to go to Africa because I want to help with the orphans.  I also want to help my mom and dad and brothers in their hard times, so that as a family we can grow closer together.  I'm really looking forward to exploring their lifestyle, helping my mom take care of little baby Africans, and also helping my dad in the hospital. 

Skogen Scharrer
Team Energy
Hi, my name Skogen.  I want to go to Africa because I want to be a missionary.  I want to help the kids in the doctor and I want to climb on the rocks that Daddy climbed on when he went crossing across them when he was in Africa.  I want to go camping in the woods that they have in Africa and find an open area in the woods.  I want to preach to the church and I want to teach Bible class and tell kids the Bible stories.  I want to make friends with the kids and I want to teach the kids how to play board games so I can play with them.  I want to save people that come to the doctor.

Klaasen Scharrer
Team Clown
I am Klaasen and I want to go to Africa because I really want to adopt a baby in Africa.  My parents went to Africa before and our Bumpa and Grandma stayed with us.  When I go back to Africa with Mommy and Daddy, I want to teach other kids how to do the cup and disappearing money game.  I really want to teach them how to make shoes so they can get shoes if they don't have any, but I don't even really know how to make shoes.  Halloween is coming up and I really wish I could trick-or-treat in Africa.  Sometimes I get in trouble, but I try to be a good boy and once I was a REALLY good boy.  

Torsten Scharrer
Team Baby 
My name is T-bird.  I really want to see a nice cheetah and a nice elephant.  I really want to play with new Africa friends at a playground.

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