Our departure date is quickly approaching. Many new and surreal feelings accompany as we pack up our life here in America and plan for Zimbabwe. Hopes and dreams, but fears, too. There are so many mixed emotions as we go through all of the motions of this move. We fly out in 14 days and in some ways 14 days doesn't seem long enough, but at the same time it seems like an eternity away.

I've said it before, but I never imagined myself as a missionary. I just never had the desire to move my family across the ocean, giving up all that is comfortable and familiar to everything unknown and strange. God has unique ways of working on hearts, though, and for the past three years, we have prayerfully relied on God's guidance as we fully committed to life as missionaries in Africa. It is so hard to believe the time is nearly here for us to go.

Our house is full of boxes, our counters covered in check lists. I'm not quite sure if I'll ever feel completely ready or prepared for this big adventure! There is still no question in my mind, though, that we're doing exactly what we're supposed to be doing. I can't imagine the devastation that we would have felt if we would have said, "No," to God's calling and nudging us to Zimbabwe. Between Klaasen's recent diagnosis of autism, my passport issues, fundraising hold ups, loved ones not being supportive, my dad's health issues, and most recently, our medication mix up - there has been plenty to hold us back. I am so thankful for the solid foundation we have to stand on and the confidence that is so evident in following God's plan. I hope our children will forever be blessed through this trip and all they will encounter there. I also hope that many of you who are following our journey will be blessed by what we share! Thanks so much for the prayers.