In the spring of 2017, our family of six followed God's lead to Nhowe Mission and the Brian Lemons Memorial Hospital, located in Zimbabwe, Africa. During the six months that we were there, we put our whole hearts into serving in the church, hospital, school, and orphanage, while immersing ourselves in the amazing Zimbabwean culture.

We are prayerful and passionate about our work continuing at Nhowe Mission and next time we look forward to taking some of you along, too! Stay tuned for more information!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Yesterday afternoon as I laid on the floor in our living room, my eyes scanning all of our belongings around the house, I wondered how in the world I was going to be able to get all of it packed up.  Packing, along with a to-do list 400 miles long, has really been stressing me out lately.  Thinking about packing, I decided to pray for some friends of ours who are getting ready to depart on their missionary journey to Africa, too.  They have had some recent unexpected health issues come up that have put a little more stress on their trip.  As I prayed, my thoughts wandered and I wondered what, if anything, was going to go wrong for us as we prepare to head out into the mission field...  Less than three hours later, my phone died.  Like died, died. I tried five different chargers, taking it apart and putting it back together, hitting it, blowing in the cracks... nothing worked.  Later after the kids got home from school,  I went to turn on the TV (my babysitter in desperate times) and the television wouldn't work. Just completely, 100%, would not work no matter what I tried.  Erik came home from work later on and got on the computer to do his notes, discovering that the computer wasn't working properly.  Instead of notes, he spent several hours trying to fix the computer (and never got it fixed).  Well, since I didn't have a phone alarm, I had to set the old-fashioned alarm clock last night before bed.  The old trusty alarm went off at 6:25 this morning and I pushed snooze, as always.  I laid there a little longer, thinking of the kids and their schedules that day.  I glanced up a little while later and the clock still said 6:25.  I thought to myself that it felt like the longest minute ever!  I fell back to sleep while waiting on the snooze alarm to go off, but  I woke up in a panic 25 minutes later and the clock still said 6:25. Ah! The kids surprisingly were able to jump out of bed and quickly work together to get things ready for school.  I went to start my car with the automatic start a few minutes before leaving and discovered that automatic start remote wasn't working, either.  After dropping the kids off, I drove home from school, thinking how odd it was that every electronic-type device that I rely so heavily on to make our lives run smoothly, had gone kaput within the last 12 hours.  It shouldn't have been any surprise that when I went to make myself a cup of coffee, the coffee maker wouldn't work, either.  
The devil is so evil.  I truly believe that when God's people try to do good, the devil works overtime and tries to butt in every time.  He doesn't want us to succeed. He wants to make doing good harder and he wants to  make us fail.

For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.

Ephesians 6:12-13

**** I just need to point out after publishing this post that for some odd reason, it is publishing in a weird format.  I thought I'd point it out because maybe it's not so odd, after all - he just won't stop trying to get in the way.  Hopefully you all can still read this post and hopefully you all will pray for us.  

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